The Library is fully computerized. A Software “LIBINFOSOFT’ has been developed by ‘Hitech Information Systems’ which provides lot of facilities to members of the Library. The software has been tested under the supervision of Mr. Anil Nagpal who is the Director of the company cooperated with Mr. Ramandeep Singh Grover Librarian, Manohar Memorial College of Education, Fatehabad. A member can search a book using OPAC. The book can be searched on the basis of Title, Author, Table of contents etc.
Barcode Printing and scanning facility is also available in the software. Apart from books, this software has been designed to manage newspapers, magazines, question papers, syllabus etc. All the required reports can be generated by this software. This software supplies mutliuser environment where by many users on different terminal can have access to this software simultaneously and work according to their preferences.